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What are Spider Veins? Click to Learn More

Vein problems aren’t limited to varicose veins. Some people also develop spider veins, either along side of or instead of varicose veins. What are spider veins? They’re stretched out, web-like veins that usually appear on the legs and occasionally on the face. If you’ve noticed some visible spider veins, the good news is that they are usually just a cosmetic issue. The even better news is that you don’t have to live them.

What are Spider Veins?

What They Look Like

The main reason why spider veins are called spider veins is because they look like delicate spider webs. The small veins usually create a web or tree branch-like pattern just beneath the surface of the skin. Usually, the veins are red, although they can be blue or purple in color as well. The veins most commonly appear on the legs, on either the thighs or lower legs. They can also develop on the face.

What Causes Them

Several factors can cause spider veins. Like varicose veins, a person might simply be more prone to developing spider veins because of his or her family history. That means that if you parents had spider veins, you are have an increased risk for developing them. A few external factors can also contribute to spider veins. For example, people who spend lots of time in the sun are more likely to develop the veins, as sun exposure increases risk. Other factors that can cause or contribute to spider veins include fluctuating hormone levels, standing for long periods of time and being overweight.  Being pregnant or working at a job that requires you to sit or stand still for extended periods can also increase your risk for getting spider veins.

How to Treat Them

You typically have two options when it comes to treating spider veins, sclerotherapy or laser treatment. If you’re considering treating your problem veins, you’re not alone. In 2015, more than 320,000 people sought treatment for spider veins, according to Smart Beauty Guide. Sclerotherapy is the most popular spider vein treatment. It involves injecting the veins with a special solution. The solution causes the veins to collapse and seal itself off. Blood can no longer flow into the vein, so after a few weeks it fades away. Laser treatment for spider veins is usually a very quick process, taking about 15 minutes in the office. The treatment can be performed on its own, but is often combined with sclerotherapy to improve results. Whether you have laser treatment, sclerotherapy or both, you’ll be back on your feet and back to your usual activities in almost no time at all. If you want to learn more about spider veins and how you can treat them, contact the Kimmel Institute in Boca Raton, Florida, today. Call 561-948-5560 to schedule a consultation.